FreeRTOS includes libraries for connectivity, security, and over-the-air (OTA) updates. FreeRTOS also includes demo applications that show FreeRTOS features on qualified boards.

FreeRTOS is an open-source project. You can download the source code, contribute changes or enhancements, or report issues on the GitHub site at

FreeRTOS - Architecture

FreeRTOS contains two types of repositories

  • single library repositories
    • Each single library repository contains the source code for one library without any build projects or examples.
  • package repositories
    • Package repositories contain multiple libraries, and can contain preconfigured projects that demonstrate the library’s use.



FreeRTOS Kernel concepts

The FreeRTOS kernel is a real-time operating system that supports numerous architectures.

Basic components including:

  • A multitasking scheduler.
  • Multiple memory allocation options (including the ability to create completely statically-allocated systems).
  • Intertask coordination primitives, including task notifications, message queues, multiple types of semaphore, and stream and message buffers.
  • upport for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) on multi-core microcontrollers.

No malloc() but pvPortMalloc

When RTOS objects are created dynamically, using the standard C library malloc() and free() functions is not always appropriate for a number of reasons:

  • They might not be available on embedded systems.
  • They take up valuable code space.
  • They are not typically thread-safe.
  • They are not deterministic.
  • For these reasons, FreeRTOS keeps the memory allocation API in its portable layer.


[1] What is FreeRTOS? -
[2] What is FreeRTOS? - FreeRTOS architecture -
[3] FreeRTOS kernel fundamentals -
[4] Architecute Image Ref -